This picture was taken in October 2014 at Lucca Comics and Games, the biggest Con in Italy, and is one of the few photos of me you can find on the internet. Actually, this is also one of the few photos of me that I like, in addition to finding...
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Sketch. Roses. Pencils on parchment paper.
Elven lady
Fantasy illustration. Pencils and gel pens on parchment paper.
Blog updates - Progress
Progress update about this blog.
Here is my progress with the blog for this week.
I consider it mostly done now from an appearence point of view, and I realise this kind of updates can be a little boring, therefore I will now write a “blog update” post only with major updates.
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Blog updates - To do list
Some tasks I have planned for the future.
My blog is up and running, but it looks a little basic right now.
While I appreciate the simple look (It makes things easy to read), there are a few elements I’d like to add, to make it more interesting and “alive”.
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